Current Books

Engelbrecht has arrived!

I'll post photos of the book soon, but until then this scan allows readers to see the beautiful gold design stamped on the cover of Engelbrecht Again!, Rhys Hughes' most ingenious book yet.

Read about the book at the official Engelbrecht weblog!

Books have begun to ship as follows: first, to all those who pre-ordered; then dealer orders will be filled; followed by review copies. Order Engelbrecht Again! today, before the lil' guy gets away.


Nathan said...

Can't wait for my copy to arrive. It's been too many years a-comin'!

Rhys Hughes said...

Yes for a long time I wondered if this book was jinxed? Maybe the ghost of Maurice Richardson wanted to play his own surrealist games with it? :-)

I love the green cover. I wish more covers were green! Reminds me of the complete works of E.A. Poe I bought back when I was 15. That book was a revelation to me and so I have special fondness for green covers!

Nemonymous said...

I've started reading this beauteous book and, so far, I am not disappointed by this book's very rare ability to give me enough independent sustenance of style and content to get my reading teeth into.

Both hilarious and haunting.


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