1. I added another 32-page "signature" making Bound for Evil now 800 pages.
2. I moved R. E. Hartman's creepy little tale "The Book of Faces" from the free promo chapbook, into Bound for Evil, bringing the number of stories to 64.
3. Unable to resist having a total of 66 stories (split up into 6 sections), I then added the classic Alfred Noyes weird tale "Midnight Express" and Eugene Field's humorous poem "Dibdin's Ghost."
4. I then sprinkled in well over 2 dozen illustrations by World Fantasy Award-winner Allen Koszowski.
5. Finally, I've placed yet another bookish story, hidden somewhere in the pages of Bound for Evil. I'll leave it to the reader to find it.
Here's the Table of Contents:
introduction: the secret lives & evil times of diabolical books Tom English.....xiii
bound for evil:
in the beginning
genesis for dummies Patrick LoBrutto.....3
scratch paper
the devil’s manuscript S. Levett Yeats.....7
the book Margaret Irwin.....22
the devil & nathaniel hawthorne Skadi meic Beorh.....36
the devil in manuscript Nathaniel Hawthorne.....41
the grimoire Montague Summers.....48
the book of cain Michael D. Winkle.....66
canon alberic’s scrap-book M. R. James.....85
flames in the night John R. Platt.....96
fine print Mark McLaughlin.....102
damek T. A. C. Amaral.....111
fahrenheit clark ashton Glynn Barrass.....127
boek van namen Lorne Dixon.....135
pact anthology John Teehan.....145
a not-too-gentle madness
the bibliomaniac’s prayer Eugene Field.....153
book worm Jeffrey Thomas.....154
leather, dark and cold Simon Strantzas.....162
limited edition Andrew J. Wilson.....173
windows to the soul JG Faherty.....182
if i had a hundred tongues Barry Baldwin.....190
a collection of true evils Barry Napier.....197
the incomplete works of william shakespeare Rick Moore.....215
the strange bequest of simon bray Tom English.....228
the story of edward hardiman Michael Lovell.....243
the door, the lock, the key R. Michael Burns.....252
happiness Ian Shoebridge.....269
dibdin’s ghost Eugene Field.....288
the romance of certain old books
the dunwich horror H. P. Lovecraft.....291
the adder Fred Chappell.....329
finding the book of sand Rhys Hughes.....347
worse than bones Ramsey Campbell.....354
letters home Erin MacKay.....367
prosecuted, banished, and shot Jeff Ryan.....387
the reading room Orrin Grey.....389
midnight express Alfred Noyes.....398
the book in the earth Lavie Tidhar.....403
the yellow sign Robert W. Chambers.....416
the book H. P. Lovecraft.....432
weird chronicle Rui Cruz.....435
the narconomicon David M. Fitzpatrick.....449
reference work
guidance Gary McMahon.....467
the almanack Saki.....477
practical time travel Vincent L. Scarsella.....482
a lesson in therapy Angeline Hawkes.....499
cormac’s mirror Ben Thomas.....513
recipe for disaster John Llewellyn Probert.....526
the guest book Gary Fry.....539
mechanix Christopher Fulbright.....557
an antique land John Shire.....565
the reference book Louise Norlie.....577
the book of faces R. E. Hartman.....591
the dark and the young Ian Rogers.....595
the book of revelation Mark Tullius.....620
misadventures in reading
association copy Barbara Roden.....634
a fatal distraction J. Michael Shell.....665
one copy only Ramsey Campbell.....671
the thief with two deaths Chris Willrich.....685
the alzheimer’s book club Jill Zeller.....706
readers digested Jeff Ryan.....714
the truth inside the lie Terri Nixon.....716
browsers Mark Leslie.....732
don’t read them after midnight Josh Vogt.....739
trunk story Kurt Newton.....749
lem’s last book Rhys Hughes.....754
the new words Jeffrey A. Rice.....766
literature abuse Michael McGrorty.....777
Not only is that a crazy line-up, but if I read this thing cover to cover I won't have enough time in my life left over to read anything else!
See how evil this book truly is? It could very well be the last book you'll ever read.
Over 333,000 words of fiction.
Can. not. wait.
And not just for the greedt purposes of seeing my story included in it, but this thing has turned into a truly massive collection. nice work.
(oh and forgive the username..this is barry napier...)
The titles of these stories alone are enough to intrigue. Looks like it's beautifully done, can't wait!
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